30 Day Art Challenge – COMPLETE!

Our teacher at school has challenged us to keep creating now that we are home on Covid-19 quarantine.

30 Day Art Challenge:  Make any type of artwork you wish based on a single word given for each of the 30 days.   Scroll down for the remaining days!

The words for the first seven days were –

  1. Rainbow
  2. House
  3. Superhero
  4. Candy
  5. Space
  6. Fluffy
  7. Dessert

The words for the second seven days were –

  1. Portrait
  2. Fire
  3. Mythical
  4. Night
  5. Mrs. Marshall (my music teacher)
  6. Opposite
  7. Spring

The words for the remaining days were –

  1. Mr. Burac (PE Teacher)
  2. Ink
  3. Fast
  4. Giant
  5. Wings
  6. Angle
  7. Spikes
  8. Dots
  9. Bubble
  10. Sky
  11. Tiny
  12. Bird
  13. Dream
  14. Road
  15. Breakfast
  16. Magic

Here are the artworks by my brother for this challenge:

And here are the artworks by my Momma for this challenge: